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Replies: 23 - Views: 725
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): It will never go negative now.. Inflation rate will increase only.rofl. *
03-05-12 - 04:53:46
-1514131211mona786 (Unstopable Lover): True *
03-10-12 - 08:47:33
-1bobby21 (Mariana Party Freak): .angry. *
29-11-12 - 21:52:20
-omare (True Lover): As user accumulates more and more plus, it is really hard to keep the shopping price constant. It's a loss if the price still remains subsidised! Well to minimize loss we have introduced inflation rate! It will increase as users will accumulate more and more plus and it will decrease if users have low plus!  *
12-06-16 - 13:22:34
-omare (True Lover): As user accumulates more and more plus, it is really hard to keep the shopping price constant. It's a loss if the price still remains subsidised! Well to minimize loss we have introduced inflation rate! It will increase as users will accumulate more and more plus and it will decrease if users have low plus!  *
12-06-16 - 13:23:00

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