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Replies: 30 - Views: 1199
-1noemi9 (True Core Lover): Talent which i can become rich. *
07-05-09 - 00:26:40
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): .yes.@neomi *
07-05-09 - 12:05:11
-jelela (True Lover): People where der is talent money follows so hav de talent den u wil gain money and become rich. *
08-05-09 - 07:19:47
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): .yes.@jelila *
08-05-09 - 12:21:15
-intian (Just In Love): For me i choose talent. *
24-05-09 - 14:11:49

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