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Replies: 33 - Views: 960
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-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): PLease read on, we have some major upgrades. Now things are becoming very easy for you guys. There were updates in chat room, inbox and for platinum members. As We promised to server you with better UNIQUE options from other sites. Here what we have
11-12-09 - 06:41:36
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): 1. chatroom updates: pic please see new 3 options where you will find 1st option for viewing online members, 2nd option for sending 1person invitation about the chat room and 3rd option ONLY FOR PLATINUM MEMBERS where they can send invitation for all the active members *
11-12-09 - 07:04:12
-4321aslam (Hard Core Lover): Gud work darky *
11-12-09 - 07:07:48
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): bbcode updates, now you can use two new bbcode. 1st bbcode send pm bbcode which you can use to force a person go directly to send pm option. like eg. you start a topic and said that pm me for more info. instead of writing that pm me for more info just ask them like e.g. Click and send me ur problem usage can be found under bbcodes section: [pmuid=1]click here[/pmuid ](without space) *
11-12-09 - 07:08:19
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): 2nd update of bbcode is chatroom link, now u can place chat room link in shouts, inbox anywhere you like. to place the link, you must put this code like e.g. General Chat Room usage can be found under bbcode section: [crid=1]General Chat Room[/crid ](without space) *
11-12-09 - 07:13:45

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