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-Medal4321stuti (Vinyl Shaker): Bi-Monthly Quiz-1st[26th May-09th June 2010]. Everything about this Game like format, rules, awards etc. Was published in 3rd March, 2010 in the thread Bi-Monthly Quiz. Those who havent checked it yet 0r a new user then must see that topic once.
26-05-10 - 08:45:53
-Medal4321stuti (Vinyl Shaker): This month's quiz is all about CLIMATE CHANGE. 10 questions will be asked 1 by 1 having a gap of 36 hours between 2 questions..atn. DONT POST ANYTHING EXcept ur answer, for any type of help 0r enquiry, u are free to pm me anytime. *
26-05-10 - 08:50:45
-Medal4321stuti (Vinyl Shaker): Question 1.- True 0r False? Global warming is caused only by natural factors.

Remember: Dont forget to describe your answer with suitable reason(s). Time left to answer is 36 hours. U can answer till 27th May, 7:30am IST. Best of Luck Guyz. *
26-05-10 - 08:56:49
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): No stuti sister it is false. becoz of climate change,sea level rise,terrestrial and extraterrestrial factors,anthropogenic drivers,international treaties kyotoprotocal,berlin mandate,milankovitch processes,nactural and man-made disasters, *
26-05-10 - 09:24:41
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): disaster risk assessment,preparedness and mitigation. this are main problems to global is giveing the warning. *
26-05-10 - 09:26:54

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