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Post in Facebook
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Now you can follow marianaworld using twitter. Use this to know what is going on in the site. Did you ever wonder who is posting what and who is shouting what instantly at your mobile?
22-09-11 - 15:14:26
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Just subscribe by sending œfollow marianaworld to 53000 for INDIA and for other country it would be œfollow marianaworld to 40404 *
22-09-11 - 15:14:47
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Send as an SMS without the quote but give spaces between follow and marianaworld, Standard SMS charges may apply *
22-09-11 - 15:16:13
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): other commands
Follow [username] = To receive updates from a user send Follow along with the username to 40404
OFF 0r STOP 0r LEAVE- You can turn off receiving updates from the user that you are following by sending OFF 0r STOP
ON - Sending ON will turn on device updates and you will start receiving tweets again. *
22-09-11 - 15:19:40
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): ON - Sending ON will turn on device updates and you will start receiving tweets again.
WHOIS username - Retrieves the profile information of the user.
STATS - This command returns the number of people that you are following.
GET username - This retrieves the latest update that the user has posted. *
22-09-11 - 15:23:37

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