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Replies: 9 - Views: 222
-masoom (Practice Mode): i want to be simple *
12-10-08 - 11:50:49
-1angel_fr0m_hell (True Core Lover):
. ..theRe's n0 sUch thing.. as a weAp0n that d0esn't kiLL.. .
-2guns- *
27-01-09 - 09:10:40
-1angel_fr0m_hell (True Core Lover):
. ..n0 ID, n0 entRy.. .
-lol- *
27-01-09 - 09:13:58
-tani (Vinyl Shaker): I want to be a queen *
27-01-09 - 12:27:31
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): i want to be a villain.........haha *
02-04-12 - 06:25:48


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