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Replies: 14 - Views: 283
-1shadowgirl (Mariana Party Freak): Its depends n d situation ,so we dnt judge them if they r barladies *
02-12-09 - 03:03:46
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): .nono. To bad *
28-12-09 - 07:25:23
-Certified4321de-paule (Love Geek + Stone's twinbro): Bad? *
28-12-09 - 07:27:48
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): Why? *
30-12-09 - 08:52:33
-1sam023 (Love Master): sometimes is good but idont know about the bad part *
18-02-12 - 03:19:32

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