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Replies: 14 - Views: 556
-Certified65432dixen (Unstopable Lover + The Bachelor): Titan's dense nitrogen-methane atmosphere slowly than Earth's atmosphere, as it receives about 100 times less sunlight because it is 10 times farther from the Sun. Seasons on Titan last more than 7 Earth years. continued... *
14-06-09 - 01:46:34
-Certified65432dixen (Unstopable Lover + The Bachelor): Scientists will continue to observe the long-term changes during Cassini's extended mission, which runs until the fall of 2010. Cassini has flown to Titan last June 6, 2009. *
14-06-09 - 01:50:52
-21chickboi (Love Geek): .read. Now i know kuya dix.. *
15-06-09 - 07:02:24
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): whoah! great topic. 10x dixen :) *
26-06-09 - 18:23:32
-1satinlace (Mariana Lover): In whre buk 0r magasine did u saw bou that news? @dixen :) r u a frustratd astrologer ? .haha. *
26-06-09 - 18:29:58

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