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Replies: 8 - Views: 643
-1armagedon (Mariana Lover): When too much current flows, this wire becomes hot and melts before the house wires become dangerously hot.This breaks the circuit and stops the flow of electricity. *
24-08-09 - 08:32:39
-1armagedon (Mariana Lover): A blown fuse is a signal that something is wrong.The safe thing to do is to report the trouble to the electric company, 0r you can consult an electrician.If someone in the house knows exactly what is wrong, he can make the repair himself. *
24-08-09 - 08:36:31
-1armagedon (Mariana Lover): Arrange an electrical circuit with a bulb.In place of a switch, place a thin slice of silver paper from a cigarette 0r from candies.Does the silver paper melt?- a fuse is like that.Open an old fuse and see if there is a fine wire inside.The fine wire easily heats and melts. *
24-08-09 - 08:40:50
-4321d0na27 (Unstopable Lover): ,in sh0rt explainati0n fuses are used 2 minimize 0r to c0ntr0l d current passes in 0ur h0uses.. *
28-08-09 - 11:19:00


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