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Replies: 13 - Views: 680
-kirankitty (Lover): friend the god gift we don't know each other and some how we became closer as if we are born for each other but some day we miss him then we feel as if we have lost our self in this world , my friends are lovely sweet caring love my friends *
25-03-10 - 22:31:52
-109876simply_mae (Unstopable Lover): Friends is a group of people who always gather together..people love each other and they happy together...understand each other as well *
30-03-10 - 02:23:18
-4321aliimran (Love Geek): True frdship is sacrifying ourself in fndz needs, wich ends on 32 february,wich ends wen apple grown on mango tree. *
26-04-10 - 10:12:57
-4321aliimran (Love Geek): True frdship is sacrifying ourself in fndz needs, wich ends on 32 february,wich ends wen apple grown on mango tree. *
26-04-10 - 10:15:37

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