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Replies: 38 - Views: 500
-1angel_fr0m_hell (True Core Lover):
. ..A fRiend heArS the s0ng in my heArt and sing it to me when my mem0ry faiLs.. . -friends- *
23-01-09 - 10:26:27
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): My friend his so cul and so brilliant. *
30-12-09 - 13:36:44
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4804 days 4 hr 6 min 56 Sec): Frnds give to me gd advice nd gd way *
06-06-12 - 09:50:22
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): u don't need good advice all time. U just need a ear to hear, a hand to hold and most importently a heart to understand.@riyaz *
15-04-15 - 13:27:34

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