Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Alright guys,we have decided that when you send a potentially unsafe message in others inbox, the verification image will come up. Potentially unsafe means you are using a site address or something like that,so that its harming our site or our site interest. 05-04-08 - 23:10:00
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Also so when you are sending potentially unsafe message,the image verification pops up. Dont use potentially dangerous material and you will not be popped up with image verification. what do you people think about it ? * 05-04-08 - 23:15:32
unicorn (Love Master): idea is not bad its gr8.
im having onemore request. * 05-04-08 - 23:31:47
unicorn (Love Master): why cant we make java application for this site which will be more attractive for others and our site will be one day worlds no.1 site.up. * 06-04-08 - 00:48:17