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-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Now you can see three types of stars. orange, pink, green. Everyone is eligible for getting the highest type of stars((3+)green-(2+)pink-(1+)orange). It depends on your activity inside the site, like plusses, chat posts, blogs, online time,battle points, game plus etc. Now i wont say the exact logic, but the more you score them, the stars are going up. Now if you have two pink stars and 3 orange stars, it means your rating is (2*2+3*1)7. highest is 15 lowest is 0.
19-08-08 - 09:12:08
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Now old users wonder that why new members get stars very quickly. Well the point is if new users maintain some pluss/day or some chat posts/day, they are rewarded with stars. But once it falls, the stars go away. To get permanent stars, you need to cross certain limits (or becoming a staff). So old users tend to have more permanent stars than new users with temporary stars *
19-08-08 - 09:12:30
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): nevermind, i wont appreciate it. *
19-08-08 - 15:38:20
-hifi_1 (Banned! 4110 days 19 hr 7 min 20 Sec): Is there any benifit of stars i mean to say wht they wil achive in the life, is there any profits to maintain ur stars ? *
19-08-08 - 15:43:20
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): i think, its mental satisfaction. . *
19-08-08 - 15:48:24

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