Replies: 15 - Views: 412
Post in Facebookcoldmetal (Hard Lover): Do we really need FRNDS? People say we cant live without FRNDS but i seriously doubt that. I dont have FRNDS and i dont need them. So i set up this forum for someone out there to try to convince me that FRNDS are really important.
25-03-10 - 03:37:25
marianab (Love Master): U kn hav o silver n gold,but ar u able 2talk 2them,ar u able 2share yo feelings?yo gud n bad times,yo loses n gains .nono.dats hw important friends ar they are there 4u each step of the
*27-10-10 - 00:18:34
marianab (Love Master): U kn hav o silver n gold,but ar u able 2talk 2them,ar u able 2share yo feelings?yo gud n bad times,yo loses n gains .nono.dats hw important friends ar they are there 4u each step of the
*27-10-10 - 00:19:18