Replies: 68 - Views: 1411
bloodflower (True Lover): That thing about the thumb aint true. I read that normal men know from 7 to 12 names of colors while normal women know up to 25. Try it, ive tried it myself XD and its true. Also most men get mad cuz they -dont cry-, cuz they dont show their feelings properly.. while women do cry whenever we want. So thats why men are so..nice.
*03-05-07 - 22:21:50
loveheart (True Lover): Na, men dont cry publicly coz ppl might tell he s GAY coz he cried -lol- but men do cry.
*22-08-07 - 04:43:36
asker (Vinyl Shaker): the thumb and nose thing is true. ur foot is the length between ur wrist and elbow.
*13-11-07 - 02:40:11