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Replies: 61 - Views: 1281
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4803 days 9 hr 49 min 12 Sec): Ya nagz you r ryt *
20-07-12 - 18:10:59
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): Our heart cn beat upto 400beats per minute. *
16-12-12 - 13:02:02
-salph (True Lover): suspended animation: is a state of body when body looks and feels dead but its alive. The body process slows down to a level that it cannot be detected. It cn happen after electric shock 0r drowning. *
19-09-14 - 14:29:02
-salph (True Lover): sex releases endorphines in brain which makes us feel awesome when we hit orgasm. *
19-09-14 - 14:30:39
-salph (True Lover): circadian rhythm is a body clock which controls our body sleep wake cycle. *
19-09-14 - 14:31:57

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