chore (Love Master): You have only one option. Wisdom 0r love. * 05-03-10 - 09:44:41
sapna (Super-Mod!): If u find it in your heat to care for somebody else you will have suceeded...UNKNOWN * 05-03-10 - 10:23:12
sapna (Super-Mod!): If u love sumbody, let them go if they return, they were always yours, if they dnt ,they never were...Richard Bach * 05-03-10 - 11:25:09
sapna (Super-Mod!): Love has nothing to do with what u are expecting to get, its what u are expected to give...which is everything * 05-03-10 - 11:27:56
sapna (Super-Mod!): Love takes off masks that we fear we cannt live without and know we cnt live within....James Baldwin * 05-03-10 - 11:30:58