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Replies: 105 - Views: 1160
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): Diamönd is d hardest of all known naturally occurring substances. *
09-05-07 - 07:01:37
-wtpm (Banned! 4608 days 13 hr 55 min 4 Sec): The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood 30 feet. !! *
13-05-07 - 04:53:09
-bull (Lover): Iv u take 2 mettal plates and sceem it and put on top of each other and turn the air out then ul neva get them of each other thats a fact *
06-06-07 - 10:47:02
-hybrid_ (Practice Mode): It is impossible to touch ur elbow with ur tounge. And there has never been a woman in recorded history that was colourblind *
11-06-07 - 17:53:16
-abutreka (Just In Love): Adults fart more than kids. Ths has bn scientificaly proven *
15-06-07 - 09:05:19

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