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Replies: 127 - Views: 837
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. Almonds are members of the peach family. *
11-05-12 - 03:43:55
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5etc) the total is 5050 *
11-05-12 - 03:44:24
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. The symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called an octothorpe. *
11-05-12 - 03:44:48
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. The maximum weight for a golf ball is 1.62 Oz. *
11-05-12 - 03:45:17
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle. *
11-05-12 - 03:45:57

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