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Replies: 61 - Views: 1281
-salph (True Lover): LSD drug can make blind person see 0r perceive various colors. *
19-09-14 - 14:33:28
-salph (True Lover): girls can have many orgasms during 1 cycle of sex. Guys can have jus 1 orgasm during 1 cycle of sex. *
19-09-14 - 14:34:36
-salph (True Lover): if you have any doubts about ur body.. Just drop in message. I'l b happy to solve. *
19-09-14 - 14:36:49
-salph (True Lover): polythelia means multiple nipples. *
19-09-14 - 14:57:06
-salph (True Lover): sexsomnia means sex during sleep. *
19-09-14 - 14:57:57

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