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Replies: 80 - Views: 1503
-Certified1divine (Mariana Party Freak): I love physics *
12-03-10 - 10:53:19
-4321shobhit_ (Love Geek): -hehe- in l0ve with physics *
12-03-10 - 10:56:02
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): I also love physics and astronomy. so what is the cause of laughing? *
27-08-11 - 11:51:32
-Certified321nitin01 (Love Geek + SWATI'S LOVER + Dr. LOVE): i lov also hte alsoa *
27-08-11 - 13:32:28
-1ujjwal_mondal (True Core Lover): Vutaracona drutogami kona. *
30-09-11 - 06:58:07

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