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Replies: 88 - Views: 1996
-tg2429 (Hard Lover): they say Practise makes perfect! but they say also no one or no body is perfect! And i say... so why practise! Is that make sense? He he he *
04-01-09 - 04:22:19
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): prevention is better than cure. *
16-04-09 - 04:14:07
-1noemi9 (True Core Lover): Youst a little *
17-04-09 - 01:46:09
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): who said a wise word *
19-04-09 - 07:22:41
-raisha (Vinyl Shaker): .yes. R0zi k0tu asakata b0ra asdas khest0 khelirasi b0ra. 0mmah k0bak shertuni kardi najdiki manna ya t0. *
11-06-09 - 13:16:13

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