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Replies: 122 - Views: 595
-1bahavath (Love Master): What bro eze *
14-07-09 - 12:46:29
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): Nothing bro bahavath i was just wondering that why are dey not paying them well in there own country *
14-07-09 - 15:21:36
-1bahavath (Love Master): Its correct bro *
16-07-09 - 07:40:48
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): -hmm- *
16-07-09 - 19:29:02
-1bahavath (Love Master): Its correct but ur countrys sitevasion what u thing abt this *
20-07-09 - 09:46:53

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>General Chat>Whyall r choose working abroad