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Replies: 105 - Views: 1160
-mhakizalat (Vinyl Shaker): Did u kn0w Dat light travels faster thn d s0undz! *
29-12-07 - 12:46:39
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): Recycling 1 tonne of waste paper can save about 17 mature trees, 4100 kilowatt hours of energy, 26,000 litres of water, and 8 cubic feet of landfill space. *
31-12-07 - 18:40:55
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): The energy saved from recycling 1 aluminium can is able to light a 100-watt light bulb for 3.5 hours or run a television for 108 minutes. *
31-12-07 - 18:41:54
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): A stack of newspapers 1 metre high equals one 10 metre high evergreen tree. *
31-12-07 - 18:42:44
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): Each person in an office discards on average 57 kilograms of waste paper each year. In fact, enough recyclable paper is thrown out in Canada that could have protected 80 million trees.TAKEN FROM (Canadian Paper Recyclers Ltd.) *
31-12-07 - 18:44:07

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