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Replies: 36 - Views: 1218
-1d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r (Mariana Lover): I wil also go, wit XP coz Vista takes a lot of ram ! *
13-05-08 - 11:07:43
-1sushi (Practice Mode): Still windows xp. *
08-09-08 - 00:56:33
-321npsingh54 (Love Master): WINDOWS VISTA *
08-09-08 - 10:11:47
-mask (Practice Mode): Vista has superb graphics but i insists xp or fedora os *
16-09-08 - 08:00:20
-131211109ashlley (Unstopable Lover + ): hmm windows vista *
09-10-08 - 02:21:54

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>Mobiles/Computer>=== BEST OPERATING SYSTEM ===