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Replies: 25 - Views: 1066
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): then plzz give some good browser 4 java phone *
09-03-08 - 16:08:36
-Certified1humtum (Banned! 4493 days 3 hr 15 min 29 Sec): Opera doesnt work with 5300 why *
27-04-08 - 07:42:14
-1d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r (Mariana Lover): For java mobile,try opera mini !;) *
13-05-08 - 11:05:10
-Certified1humtum (Banned! 4493 days 3 hr 15 min 29 Sec): I tried yar bt opera mini doesnt work on it *
30-05-08 - 11:42:33
-dewberry (True Lover): try this jack opera 8.65 *
02-07-08 - 15:27:26

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