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Replies: 10 - Views: 439
-1insanity15 (Mariana Guru): So you play this part, the show goes on. You've come this far with a broken heart. Let me light up the sky, light it up for you. Let me tell you why, i'd die for you. Let me light up the sky. Just for you tonight. Let me die for you.... *
22-05-08 - 12:02:36
-4321classmate (Banned! 4803 days 5 hr 30 min 41 Sec): Just i want to know what is next? .haha. *
15-11-08 - 10:43:26
-21hasanrocks (Mariana Guru): .hehe. *
16-06-09 - 10:36:59
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): HmMm nice s0ng insanity.clap. *
13-11-09 - 00:19:11
-21korede (Hard Core Lover): I dont understand *
23-01-10 - 19:07:57

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