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Replies: 133 - Views: 770
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): Some are born great,some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.-Shakespare *
09-03-07 - 04:38:59
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweet. -Sir Winston Churchill *
09-03-07 - 05:03:27
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.-Milton *
09-03-07 - 05:05:53
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.-Newton *
09-03-07 - 12:31:17
-1sachin (Vinyl Shaker): There is only one good that is knowledge. There is only one evil that is ignorance.-Socrates *
09-03-07 - 12:35:04

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