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Replies: 59 - Views: 643
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): No bill gates just money.If he did nt have money nobody would have even known him. *
20-06-08 - 02:37:29
-321s_khan (Love Master): bt al thngs dnt knwn about money! ! so u knw rabindranath tagore!! why ppl knw nd remembr him? *
21-06-08 - 20:48:54
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): There are very few cases like Rabindra nath ji.I can name thousands of people who are famous because they have money.But good people who were famous for their good deeds are very less.Make two list yourself 1 for good but poor and other for rich and famous.And see which list gets more entries.Do that and you will get your answer. :) *
21-06-08 - 23:23:17
-Certified4321shadows (Love Geek): Who r alive for good deeds, they r alive forever. Only being famous for money, they will be vanished after few years of their death or when someone just cross his/her upper line of wealths. *
22-06-08 - 05:24:03
-real_lover (Just In Love): hmmm...i fully agree with u bro .bighug. *
25-06-08 - 10:53:30

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