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Replies: 50 - Views: 877
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): air is not so necessary XD *
09-03-07 - 14:17:38
-1anonymous (Practice Mode): Oh no she a fish lady frm the planet zartha lol *
12-03-07 - 11:57:20
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Yes special gills for swtdeath! Ok gravity is all b*llsh*t basically Earth s*cks! *
12-03-07 - 23:13:58
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Do you know escape velocity? The velocity by which we can escape gravity? Its 11.47km/s so run at that speed and you are off to universe. Good luck to everyone *
12-03-07 - 23:16:34
-1anonymous (Practice Mode): Thats kewl let me just go get my running shoes *
13-03-07 - 00:33:42

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