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Replies: 43 - Views: 951
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): For the time being there is no such idea to decrease the time interval *
18-08-08 - 08:32:52
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): it is already about 4 mariana hours a day. Now what u want? 24 Mariana Hours in a day?.lol. *
03-09-08 - 08:40:08
-1sushi (Practice Mode): But isnt it possible to decrease only 1 hour between the two mariana hours. I mean every mariana hour after 6 hours, so that it will exactly 4 in a day and the time schedule of Mariana Hour will not change and member will easily catch them. *
05-09-08 - 06:43:01
-1sushi (Practice Mode): Becoz it is really difficult 4 me to manage for Mariana Hours. Plz do something.@admin. *
05-09-08 - 06:44:21
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): We can't keep it fixed. As because, like you others(from other country) wont be able to manage it. So it is required to be changed for fair distribution between all global users *
07-09-08 - 05:03:55

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