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Replies: 18 - Views: 852
-21serenity (Mariana Freak): Thnk u,sum1 tht agrees. *
31-03-07 - 04:19:54
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): jewel, i read a book.. i believe you too now, its v likely its all created by a human.. *
13-06-07 - 01:30:15
-dr_who2 (Vinyl Shaker): Its manmade theres no reports of nething similar ne where n history prior *
22-10-07 - 11:32:31
-65432tijana (Vinyl Shaker): One serbian doctor have a proof that aids is lab virus. He says that america made the virus to clean the earth. Start with black ppl and gays. But thy didnt thought that some of those ppl are merried and goes to whores too. So the virus start to grow. They have anti-virus but dont wanna use it cause everyone would know that's a lab virus. So they wanna controle now but its out of their hands. Image how many ppl would be on earth if there's no aids,cancer,astma,blood-cancer etc......:(thats life *
22-10-07 - 14:17:04
-dr_who2 (Vinyl Shaker): The cure 4 aids cancer n even the common cold will NEVER b available the pharmacuticle companies make 2 much money on relieving symtoms! *
23-10-07 - 13:59:35

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