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Replies: 26 - Views: 784
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): Well.I think its color scheme is great.But i dont knw why all the time we have squarish logo?It will look cool if we have a logo with more length than width.Just a thought. *
04-08-08 - 20:52:00
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): " more length than width" well as u know, wml low end phones have phone resolution is 78*78. so thats a maximum it is done. we cannot increase the width, however we can increase the length, but that will look odd if we make a logo of leader board size. 78pix is the allowable limit for the logo as width *
05-08-08 - 07:08:00
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): M nt asking to increase width.I am just saying cant we have logo like 120*20 or 150*20.As far as i knw such logo cn be made even with wml. *
05-08-08 - 07:18:34
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): 120*20 means 120 as the width and 20 as height, there's nothing called length, since its not a shape or neither it's a 3D thing. width and height. now we can not increase the width(more than 78 ) it will create problem to other mobiles and it's possible that they cant see anything of the logo. *
05-08-08 - 07:44:50
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): Ok.Sorry i fumbled at those terms.But if its nt possible the current logo is cool. *
05-08-08 - 07:54:10

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>Ideas/Suggestions>Site New LOGO