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Replies: 13 - Views: 1439
-1sushi (Practice Mode): I also dont know about it. Plz describe it. *
10-09-08 - 05:05:03
-masoom (Practice Mode): me too boss .sad. *
16-10-08 - 10:03:42
-tani (Vinyl Shaker): Its not just a game! *
29-01-09 - 23:32:19
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Well about the ball i can say that, the ball is reacting because of the gravity and that ball is neither bigger than earth nor it has any relative velocity more than gravitational force. That ball has nothing to do with the parallel world. What i want to mean is you need a portal to travel to that world and it has nothing to do with the present world. Well maybe you can reach there with a space ship having speed more than speed of light, but since we dont have that sort... *
30-01-09 - 00:38:18
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): ... so i should say when ppl die they are transported there with that gateway. You will often feel coldness in areas like burning ghats or a graveyard, it's generally thought that -ve energy flows there and so the coldness. It is also thought that some kinda portals exits there,though i dont agree, cos humans die not in graveyard/burning ghats. So if there is any such thing, it should be where the person died *
30-01-09 - 00:41:19

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