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Replies: 74 - Views: 1115
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): the kinda weird thing on new nokia phones is that they keep their rights to change any feature on the phones as they are developing them all the time.. *
09-01-07 - 01:08:52
-reddevil (Vinyl Shaker): 5300 of nokia........ *
11-01-07 - 10:49:32
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): why is it always so that when i get a new phone, they always have some newer and better? i get mad at nokias phone developing soon XD *
21-01-07 - 09:44:25
-reddevil (Vinyl Shaker): y ur getng mad .....on d success of nokia .its gud 4 us......... *
21-01-07 - 12:40:18
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): sure. its nice they always get better but the best models are awfully expensive. *
22-01-07 - 03:11:06

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