Replies: 22 - Views: 1302
tune (Vinyl Shaker): religion is nd organization or a body or group of ppl cum 2gether 2 belief or accept tins as their lord.
*01-11-08 - 12:48:39
satinlace (Mariana Lover): D word religion means 2 tie up again wid God.. That's y we also nid rligion 2 c0mmunic8 wid God,it also means that u had d sme blief d same faith that's y u go wit d religion,bt d only goal of a religion is 2 gain salvation frm God.. But ths days there are so many rligion or c0ngregati0n exists,that's y u must find d truth and it shall sets u free accept Jesus Christ as ur pers0nal savi0r but b4 that u must c0nfess ur sin... And b baptise in water 4 d remissi0n of sin.. Tnx Godbless!
*01-03-09 - 19:03:46