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Replies: 22 - Views: 517
-21neo77 (True Core Lover): Whr did thy perform? *
21-03-07 - 08:27:35
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): haha i think everywhere in the europe except finland. *
22-03-07 - 13:16:04
-21neo77 (True Core Lover): y nt in Finland? Did d fins scare them? *
23-03-07 - 02:57:35
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): no, finland is just invisible and hidden so no bands find this place. *
26-03-07 - 03:44:31
-21serenity (Mariana Freak): I ab- ab- ab- absolutely luv them,they're so rockin but unique.i luv space monkey.gr8 song. *
28-03-07 - 22:47:14

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