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Replies: 9 - Views: 684
-65432tijana (Vinyl Shaker): scientifically proved that woman use more brain than man,thats whay woman can do more things at same time and man cant! *
16-10-08 - 04:47:55
-Medal21deep4u (Hard Core Lover + ): .rofl. im talkng abt physical work .. :) *
16-10-08 - 04:50:38
-1toxix_doll (Love Master): from many points of view females are equal with males...... *
15-09-09 - 02:33:15
-4321aslam (Hard Core Lover): If it is true tikicca then why dont we see a female scientist? *
15-09-09 - 11:30:14
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): they are not same........ *
03-04-12 - 08:12:11


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