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Replies: 24 - Views: 753
-1celena1 (True Core Lover): I need 10hours2sleep,2not wake up in the morning and being tired *
10-11-08 - 13:36:58
-Medal21deep4u (Hard Core Lover + ): Lol laz 9days i didnt sleep .hehe. *
10-11-08 - 13:58:54
-21darkang3lx (Hard Core Lover): I'm a lazy girl.haha.i sleep to much. . .I can't told you because you'll have this face.scared. *
23-02-09 - 13:29:04
-1noemi9 (True Core Lover): I say 8 is enough. *
28-03-09 - 22:48:41
-onlyforu (Lover): 8hour slp is enough n feel fresh *
28-03-09 - 22:52:21

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