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Replies: 8 - Views: 420
-21anlie (True Core Lover): yEs i do blive in him. coz of him ma brod had changed hiz lyf fr0m being drug dependent. . *
26-10-08 - 17:04:20
-21darkang3lx (Hard Core Lover): Yes, i belive in God and he always helped me when i was in need. . . *
23-02-09 - 13:13:01
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): me 2 believe in g0d *
23-02-09 - 13:15:41
-21fahima (Mariana V.I.P): i do nt belive.! only super power in the movies..! *
04-07-09 - 03:54:59


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