simply_mae (Unstopable Lover): N0 way i prepare to decide who im going to be n0t allow my parents ruin my life by choosing thier choice for is very m4tant 2 me. * 01-12-08 - 08:08:07
ashlley (Unstopable Lover + ): .yes. ur ryt in the end they wil accept the fact why u choose to be wit ur man @mae * 01-12-08 - 08:33:48
ashlley (Unstopable Lover + ): for me ill ch0ose wh0m do i love i will explain to them why i ch0ose that decisi0n bt in ma situati0n i dnt ave prob wit ma parents they r in ma side wat ever decisi0n i made .smile. * 01-12-08 - 08:37:48