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Replies: 34 - Views: 504
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): Ha ha ha...Because they only want real fans to understand what they say lol@swtdeath *
03-04-07 - 07:46:03
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): i dont think true fans understand it any better XD *
03-04-07 - 12:01:05
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): You wouldnt think so,but i know it is so!So someone who has listened to it for years wouldnt understand it better than someone....oh....say like you who doeant know?Of course they would!Dont be so narrow minded and shallow! *
04-04-07 - 01:35:30
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): Maybe you should stick to Brittney spears and justin timberlake then cause metal aint for you then! *
04-04-07 - 01:37:30
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): There will always be people who are vocal against metal(Ya know empty cans rattle the most!Anyway)They claim that its just a noise!Friends of mine in Johannesburgh are studying in university and told me of an experiment they tried! *
04-04-07 - 01:58:45

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