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Replies: 61 - Views: 1008
-bloodflower (True Lover): If we were all the same guys wouldnt waste so much time picking one XD *
04-05-07 - 10:36:02
-please_one (Practice Mode): It is very difficult 2 say all the gals r same. *
06-05-07 - 21:20:49
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): this question is weird. how could many ppl be the same.? *
07-05-07 - 05:44:11
-21neo77 (True Core Lover): No ofcourse thy cnt b same // jewel, dat's a human habbit 4 such situations *
12-05-07 - 23:17:05
-death_pexie (Just In Love): every1 gets hurt but every1 is not the same so how can be mad at all when it was only one who hurt yoy *
21-05-07 - 06:48:29

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Home>Forums>Entertainment Spot
>Lovers Zone>R all gals d same?