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Replies: 48 - Views: 881
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): Physically,we describe them as a rebel looking person who wears black clothing,tight pants,beaten up black sneakers and has one sided hairdo. *
11-05-09 - 07:29:39
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): Some people claimed themselves as an emo kid but doesn't know what's the real meaning of it. *
11-05-09 - 07:32:21
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): As long as they dressed like an emo,they think they belong. *
11-05-09 - 07:33:47
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): An emo person is emotionally candid. *
11-05-09 - 07:35:02
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): An emo person is emotionally sensitive.. *
11-05-09 - 07:36:56

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