Replies: 40 - Views: 1447
james4u (Mariana Guru):
four mnthz la8r . . . following is the situation
village head - he is having a gud amount of donkeyz so nw he is earning money 4m them . . And nw his business is double
elder bro - still a popular name is a donkey business and nw he is helping around 5 donkey ownerz without any greed cz staying with donkeyz and taking their care givez him satisfaction as well as itz a tym pass 4 him . . In return he is getting gr8 respect and he is greedy 4 that only . .
*07-01-10 - 05:22:48
james4u (Mariana Guru):
younger bro - got married and running his donkey business bt no improvement after big bro left . .even he is nt earning anything
donkeyz - they dnt knw abt all these affairz and just hanging in the business . . .
*07-01-10 - 05:31:54