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Replies: 26 - Views: 320
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): after 1 year,salman got cured c0mpletely. Then he went 2 amir. That time amir made hs own group of criminals with the help of his bst frnd amitabh bachchan. Salman has c0me 2 knw dt amir n aish were loverz 4 few days,bt they broke up recently. Amir,by dt time,knew d game of shahrukh,bt he frgave shahrukh,cz he thought shahrukh hs changed. *
07-01-10 - 09:19:56
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): Aish was also in amirs group. Salman beg sorry 2 amir 4 what had happened in past. Then they became frnd again. Evrythng ws going well. Bt suddenly shahrukh has came 2 amir and told dt he wanna join hs group. *
07-01-10 - 09:24:21
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): after seeing shahrukh,salman got mad and started 2 fyt with him,cz he has already knew that it ws shahrukh who has played the game with hm,unitill amir himself stopped them. Salman told amir that shahrukh is a backstabber and opertunistic. Bt amir replied that shahrukh has changed. *
07-01-10 - 09:28:02
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): then evrythng was g0ing well,and cz of d hard work of amir,their group became m0re dangerous in crime world,and even police used 2 get afraid whn they heared the name of amirs group. *
07-01-10 - 09:30:45
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): bt shahrukh was planning 2 take revenge 4m salman,for that day. 1 day,he wrote a false love letter with the name of aish to hm,and put in a place in his h0me,whr salman cn see it easily,as he knew both salman and amir was c0ming 2 hs h0me dt evening. *
07-01-10 - 09:34:13

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