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Replies: 61 - Views: 1280
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): thanx bro. *
22-01-10 - 13:50:27
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): Do u knw girls who have not attained maturity have less risk of getting heart disease because certain hormones which promotes cholesterol production in them. in absence of dis hormones i.e menaarche dey are safe then guys. *
22-01-10 - 13:53:34
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): heart has capacity to beats for 200 times per minute. *
22-01-10 - 13:57:59
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): Now swine flu is treatable. *
22-01-10 - 14:00:14
-1nagz (Mariana Freak): almost all the people in india have T.B bacteria in ther lungs but only some people get t.b disease. *
22-01-10 - 14:01:46

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