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Replies: 20 - Views: 1178
-21serenity (Mariana Freak): Tht is really impressive.i wont use dt type of thngs on m phne.i only wnt d basics. *
01-08-07 - 01:09:54
-1anonymous (Practice Mode): My phone saports all the same stuff. *
01-08-07 - 01:27:09
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): i like to have a phone which can give me fastest gprs service *
26-12-07 - 23:05:52
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): i want 2 buy SonyEricsson P990i. i like it. *
16-01-08 - 04:45:37
-ad1tya (Vinyl Shaker): my nokia n72.i can listen music,watch videos of any format,huge memories,tonns of games n softwares,web,opera etc. IS DAT WAT COMPUTERS CAN DO. *
27-01-08 - 08:18:48

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