swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): hey ppl, amy is like million times better-looking than oliver goodwill ;D and the song mainly tells about amys ex-bf but afterwards she has said she realized the song is about many ppl. i think about amys relations to them when i listen to the song. and i hugely love the laugh in the end of that song :D * 09-01-07 - 02:06:42
neo77 (True Core Lover): D song is really good nd so is it's video jst as many ada songs frm Evanescence. * 10-01-07 - 12:13:58
swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): neo i agree (v hard to guess) XD i cant wait for the next album tho it will take hugely time til they release one. * 11-01-07 - 02:40:50
reddevil (Vinyl Shaker): i lik immortal... of evanescence....mor then call me :) * 11-01-07 - 09:43:41