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Replies: 8 - Views: 488
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): A wish you many many more happy retunes of the day my dear james brother. .hug. (kiss) .cake. -gift- .flower. :) and goodblesh you brother. *
30-04-10 - 18:45:05
-Certified21ratnesh (Mariana Freak): HapPY Birthbay Rahul bhai..... Many many haPpY R3turns oF dA daY...
.clap. .clap. .clap. .clap. *
30-04-10 - 22:35:07
-Certified1james4u (Mariana Guru): thank u very much 2 all :) *
01-05-10 - 01:33:19
-Certified321nitin01 (Love Geek + SWATI'S LOVER + Dr. LOVE): Happy birthday james *
01-05-10 - 01:36:56


Home>Forums>Secret Passage
>Extras>Happy birthday to james!